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All are warmly invited to our Parish Combined Service and AGM!


Don’t miss out on some kai at 12.30pm which will be followed by a combined service. After some afternoon tea we will continue with our Annual General Meeting (AGM). This will include some updates on our finances and building projects, as well as a chance to celebrate 2024 and all we got up to and shared in as a Parish.

We are offering a fun time and care for the children during both, the service and AGM.


As per the canons motions are not permitted to be raised at the AGM without prior written notice. Therefore if you would like to raise a motion please submit in writing, including the motion and a brief description, to the Parish Office by 2pm, Tuesday 11th March. AGM Reports will be emailed out. If you do not receive this, we do not have you on our mailing list. Please contact the Parish Office ... Printed copies will be available at each church service from Sunday 16th March as well as from the Parish Office from Tuesday 18th March..