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Services across the Parish
We are a diverse community of Jesus followers who worship at 9 services across the week in 8 different locations. Come join us.
Sundays in town
Christ Church
Christ Church 10am
A fun service for all ages. Worship band, extended teaching and children & youth programs.
Communion 2nd & 4th Sundays.
Contact: Revs. Billy & Caleb Rowe, 020 456 0456
243 Wicksteed Street
Christ Church 8:30am
Winter Service time 3pm (May to September).
A traditional New Zealand Prayer Book
Eucharistic Service with traditional hymns.
Contact: Rev. Tony Gerritsen, 021 222 0161
243 Wicksteed Street
Prayer & Praise 7pm
1st Sunday of the month
A space for extended sung worship, silence, intercession and the prophetic.
Contact: Revs. Billy & Caleb Rowe, 020 456 0456
243 Wicksteed Street
Sundays across the City
St Chad's, St Luke's & St Peter's
St Chad's 9:45am
A traditional New Zealand Prayer Book Eucharist with organ.
Contact: Jean Cherry, 06 344 14214
1/39 Great North Road, St John’s Hill
St Luke's 10am
Our newest church, coffee, warm and welcoming, come join in worship in the seaside part of town
Contact: Revs. Chris & Chelsea Kirby, 0223680221
34 Manuka Street, Castlecliffe
St Peter's 5pm
A diverse whānau of Jesus followers. An informal service followed by bring and share kai at 6pm.
Revs. Sam & Luca Tovey-Duckworth, 0272649405
71 Koromiko Road, Gonville
Sundays in the Country
St John's, St Mary's & St Oswald's
St Oswald's 10am
A family communion service each week, re-opens with new strengthening & hall from Sunday 24th March.
Contact: Rev. Sue Little, 021 675 3708
Western Line, Brunswick 4571
St John's 11am
1st and 3rd Sundays of the month
A traditional NZ Prayer Book Eucharist.
A lovely rural setting followed by a local pub lunch.
Contact: Rev. Robyn Moses 0220887720
No. 2 Line, Matarawa
St Mary's 11am
2nd Sunday of the month
A traditional New Zealand Prayer Book Eucharist.
A beautiful rural setting followed by lunch at a local café.
Contact: Rev. Lee Tucker-Ramage, 027 2387715